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Dubai, the economic and tourist capital of the world, with its ever-expanding futuristic buildings, artificial islands, luxury hotels and crazy projects, embodies the new center of the world.
Invest in the future.

Contact our French team, who will guide you step by step through the process:

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Optionally, you can complete your file to provide more information about the property you are looking for.

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A simple purchasing process!

Our team will guide you step by step, it's that simple.


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A reply within 48 hours by phone or WhatsApp.


Contact one of our agents

We define your expectations and your budget, and suggest available properties that match your wishes.


We're looking for your property

Our team and local agents will find you the property of your dreams.


We find your financing

Do you need financing? We'll start the process with local banks.



Your purchase is finalized! The keys to your property will be delivered within a few weeks.

Who we are

Here, in a nutshell, is what the team has to offer.

An all-French team.

We have an international presence, but our team is French, and France is our main market.

Satisfied customers.

As our Google My Business page shows, is 98%. of satisfied customers.

Market knowledge.

Our team has been on the ground for several years now, and has a thorough knowledge of the country.

Prices to suit everyone.

Dubai is often cited for its lavish villas, but reasonably priced properties are also available.

Additional services offered by

In addition to helping you in the process of finding and purchasing your property, we offer a number of complementary services:

Regular rental yield

Once the property has been acquired, at our customers' request, we offer full management of the property's rental for local residents (foreign or otherwise).

Seasonal rental yield

As with regular rental, seasonal rental is also possible, with a lower occupancy rate but very attractive rental prices.

Resale with capital gain

If, at a later date, your property has increased in value and you wish to sell it to realize a capital gain, we would be delighted to assist you.

Our customers talk about us

Here are just a few of the reviews we've received from our customers.

Erika D.
Erika D.
Paris, France
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A purchase concluded in less than 4 weeks (with an on-site visit) thanks to David (who is very friendly and reassuring). We are now in the process of renting. Thank you very much.
Jien & Carine C.
Jien & Carine C.
Paris region, FR
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My wife and I went through RED Agency ( to buy a penthouse on the Marina, and I have to say we're delighted with the experience. The property was acquired in the space of a few weeks, and all we have to do now is settle in. Thank you again. Julien and Carine.
Mounir B.
Mounir B.
Lille, France
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Having been stuck in an apartment in Lille throughout the confinement, the purchase of our apartment in Dubai (with rooftop pool) is a relief. All we have to do now is adapt to local life and everything will be perfect. Many thanks to the whole team. Mounir.

We look forward to seeing you in our offices

A native French team that has chosen to settle in the United Arab Emirates and help its French compatriots wishing to buy and/or invest in Dubai, that was our gamble. Thank you again for your confidence in us.

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