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Expo 2020 Dubai – 67 Million Euros Invested

Posted by Admin on January 16, 2021

863,117 plants supplied by Dubai Municipality prior to the launch of Expo 2020, scheduled for October 2020.

Dubai Expo 2020 has been allocated a budget of 67 million euros for landscaping projects for this international exhibition. Taleb Abdulkareem Jilfar, Executive Director of the Dubai Municipality’s Infrastructure Services Division, had declared that even before the official launch of this famous exhibition in October 2020, more than 3.57 square kilometers had been landscaped. Dubai Municipality ensured the supply of 863,117 plants, representing more than AED 22.5 million, according to Emirates News Agency. The event brought together 86 multi-purpose buildings, with large areas dedicated to outdoor celebrations laid out with plants benefiting from drip irrigation for optimum use of water sources. Al Fursan Park, which can accommodate up to 2,500 people, was one of these green spaces, as was Jubilee Park with a capacity of 15,000 visitors.

More than 12,000 trees and 256,000 shrubs, thousands of herbaceous and flowering plants

According to Al Khateeb, 220,000 square meters were used to set up a tree and plant nursery specially dedicated to the event. More than 12,000 trees are expected to emerge from this nursery, including many palms, as well as 256,000 shrubs and thousands of flowers and herbaceous plants, thanks to a close collaboration with the Dubai Municipality. The plants were selected from native species, or those that could adapt to Dubai’s climatic conditions. Dubai Expo was keen to use environmentally-friendly methods in the design and construction of the nursery, as well as in the landscaping. All along the nursery’s main road, lighting is provided by low-energy lamps, and the team used only organic fertilizers for the plants. Recycling of the nursery’s waste was also organized. Wastewater treated by the Dubai municipality meets virtually all the irrigation needs of the nursery’s plants, with clean drinking water used only for seed development.However, due to the health crisis, new exhibition dates have been announced for May 2020. Expo 2020 Dubai has therefore postponed the next World Expo by one year. The international event will now take place from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

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